MINDFUL MONTH — Interview with Yasmin and Ann-Kathrin from My Inner Health Club


MINDFUL MONTH of holistic habits & reconnection

— Interview with Yasmin and Ann-Kathrin from My Inner Health Club


As part of our thoughtful Interview Series of our Mindful Month of Holistic Habits and Reconnection we are now focusing on the mind and health. In conversation with Yasmin and Ann-Kathrin, founders and creators of My Inner Health Club — a digital space where individuals are empowered to take back control of their own health — we learn how to read the signals of our body and mind properly and influence our mental and physical health in a positive way.


How do you ground and reconnect with your inner self in the shift of the seasons?

Ann-Kathrin: As the season changes, how do our bodies respond? The external environment obviously does change quite dramatically, but the changes within us are more subtle. Our skin gets dry, our system slows down, there is less light, our moods change. There is a lot we can do for ourselves: eating seasonal vegetables gives us the vitamins we’re missing, and spending time outside to get in touch with the change in temperature prepares the body and mind. Make use of a sauna, if you have one nearby.


Take in all the sunlight and fresh air you can, while connecting with nature, walking through the woods and inhaling deeply.


Which mindful habits do you integrate in your daily life?

Yasmin: I try to be present wherever I am. How do I do that? I stop multitasking and focus on the things that I’m doing and try to really feel everything. Additionally, I sit still for five minutes in the morning, especially when my mind is full. I just let my thoughts wander, and after five minutes I write everything down that came to mind. This morning routine is so powerful. It really makes me feel grounded, grateful and energized afterwards. Try it out!


How can our inner state of mind influence our health?

Yasmin: Our inner state of mind makes up 90 per cent of our health. If the inner state of mind is not in balance it sends signals, like headaches, pain, itchy skin… These signs are telling us: please take care of yourself. If you listen closely, you will also be able to understand the signals and identify the cause. Start listening to your body – it knows.


What is your personal experience with holistic healing methods?

Ann-Kathrin: I’m into naturopathy these days – simple things like hydrotherapy, fasting, or so-called zero days, which, personally, give me a lot of energy. Holistic healing methods are like appreciating the past, all that ancient knowledge, and moving forward with what we have already been given.


The most important thing about any methods that I sign up for, is seeing the body, mind and my surroundings as a whole, rather than treating specific health conditions.


Tell us about My INNER HEALTH Club. How can a digital platform help us to cultivate holistic habits and promote self-healing?

Yasmin: My INNER HEALTH Club is your modern health companion. It’s always there to support your mental and physical health. With our knowledge classes, we give you all the information and learnings you need in order to change your mindset and understand what your body needs. With our exercise classes, we provide you with the necessary tools to implement healthy habits into everyday life. All the classes are based on four important pillars: mental health, nutrition, sleep, and movement.


Do you have a mantra to end this year with?

Ann-Kathrin: Be the change. There is one thing we know for sure – and the past few years have very much taught us this – that things can change faster than expected. So why not be the change. 
With every step we take we are capable of changing directions. Be flexible and agile towards what the world is signaling you right now.


Which song makes you feel grounded and connected to your soul?

Both: “John Cage” by Ross from Friends


Thank you dear Yasmin and Ann-Kathrin, for your time and this fascinating insight into your important work!

Schneid Studio