MINDFUL MONTH — Interview with Karlie from Original Feelings


MINDFUL MONTH of holistic habits & reconnection

— Interview with Karlie from Original Feelings


As part of our thoughtful Interview Series of our Mindful Month of Holistic Habits and Reconnection we are now focusing on feelings and awareness. In conversation with Karlie, founder of Original Feelings, a spirited yoga studio in Berlin, she shares more about what feelings mean to her, how they find their place in yoga practice, and how to be consciously mindful in everyday life.


How do you ground and reconnect with your inner self in the shift of the seasons?

Karlie: When we go from a warmer to a colder season I try to create a strong and healthy routine for myself. Having a stable work - life balance can help me to get through tough changes of temperatures. Avoiding stress, spending time with people who give me safety and trust is what I need most in the colder season. I try to integrate the routine into my work as well as into my yoga practice. Enjoying some time in the sauna, a lot of sleep, taking extra vitamins and drinking a lot of water also helps me to not freak out during winter time. 


Which mindful habits do you integrate in your daily life?

Karlie: To me, being mindful has nothing to do with habits. To me, mindfulness is an approach. Integrating mindful habits into my life but then living a stressful and heedless life apart from those habits seems to make no sense for me. This is why I try to be mindful in all small situations in my daily life rather than having „mindful habits“ but then rushing through the day.


„Trying to eat my morning bun slowly and enjoying my coffee sip by sip, taking some extra minutes when I walk to the studio or being really present when talking to my loved ones on the phone is what mindfulness means for me.”


How do we get in touch with our feelings and how can we use them to enhance our wellbeing?

Karlie: I do believe that having access to your feelings is helpful for a healthy body-mind connection but there is no guideline how someone can get in touch with their feelings. Also, using your feelings to enhance your wellbeing sounds like a nice thing to do but what do we actually mean by this? Using your feelings to feel better? 

I think it's important that people get the room, the space, a teacher who inspires them, words which touch them, or simply the chance to move their body to get have the opportunity to feel different emotions, on different days, in their body. Having the opportunity to tune in, to feel what’s going on inside within you and your body, what is on your mind, can already be super helpful and healing. I would not say feelings can enhance your wellbeing but it definitely can be very healthy and nourishing to allow yourself to feel different emotions. 


How do you personally deal with negative feelings? Have you found a way to turn them into a more positive direction?

Karlie: Whenever negative feelings appear, firstly I am grateful to be able to feel those emotions. Even though it might be heavy, strong, hard or negative feelings, it’s good to feel them at all. For me personally, it helps a lot to zoom out, see the bigger picture and tell myself „this shall pass too“.


„Sometimes, negative feelings are there and we do not know where they come from, why we feel them or if they ever go away again; and thats okay. It’s okay to feel sad, angry or jealous. I learned to feel those negative feelings, sit with them, embrace them, allow them to be there. If I really can’t handle to be with those feelings I go for a run or do some yoga - movement always helps me to feel better and more positive about whatever might be in my head.”


Tell us about Original Feelings. What is the concept behind it?

Karlie: Original Feelings is a yoga studio that offers a variety of different practices focusing on both physical and emotional balance. Our yoga and meditation classes challenge questions and invite answers — and everyone. I wanted to create a space where people can come, breath, move and embrace their feelings. In a clean and calm atmosphere we want to offer an easy approach to yoga. I created a simple concept with one simple question in mind: how do you want to feel in your body? At Original Feelings our seasoned teacher team will guide you through your feelings and your days. We encourage release over suppression. And we welcome every emotion.  


Do you have a mantra to end this year with?

Karlie: Everything happens for a reason, so trust the timing of your life. 


Which song makes you feel grounded and connected to your soul?

Karlie: "Waldstein" Piano Sonata No. 21 in C Major, Op. 53 


Thank you Karlie for your time and insightful answers!

Schneid Studio